Well, finals are done now. Drinking has begun. Debauchery later.
But I feel that I should share my most glorious accomplishment of the last two weeks with everyone.
Sure, I spent a lot of time studying. Yeah, I took some tests, but who cares about all that, right? None of that will help me achieve immortality.
However, I am on the verge of greatness. Gary Kasparov is quacking in his boots right now. Deep Blue has just exploded. Stephan Hawking is questioning if he should revise his brief history of the universe to include me.
Currently, as we speak, I am in the midst of a 30 game win streak at Free Cell. Yes, I know, it is unbelievable. No mortal man could accomplish this. Sure, every free cell game save one is winnable, but no one wins 30 in a row. This is unprecedented.
There is nothing else to say. I am now Great. (well, at least greater than I already was.)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
A Productive Two Weeks
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I just did a Google search on "my law review comment sucks" and "my law review article sucks." Amazingly, there were no hits. Thankfully, that should change now. Apparently most law school student egg-heads are not as self-deprecating as me.
"Law review sucks" only brings back 22 hits. I find this interesting. Or maybe it is interesting because of have been working on this fucking article all weekend, and feel like I have done jack shit, other than vomit some poorly cited half truths into a Word document.
And I understand that Rome was not built in a day, and weekend worth of hard work will not a decent law review paper be written (the whole fucking thing is written like that).
Thankfully, it is only the third draft that is due tomorrow. There is still one more to go. Because Christmas Break was made for making up for my semester's worth of slacking.
I am a damn slacker. I am only at 6,000 words (nearly 200 footnotes though, I think I overkilled that a bit). But the reality is, that this sucks. I am almost embarrassed to hand it in to my editor (as soon as I bust out 50 word non-conclusory conclusion).
It comes and goes in waves. One minute I think that this thing could be great, that I want to be published, only to have a minute later the realization that this may be the most horriblest thing ever written (other than that last sentence).
So here goes, the last gasp of a desperate man. Words shall be typed, sentences formed, and out of the ashes a Phoenix of a conclusion shall arise, which will trump the utter shititude of the 24 pages that came before it. And once again, I shall fool the world.
(this is what happens when I do not get enough sleep)